
Any member of the public may either on their own behalf or as a representative of an organization or group appear at a public meeting of the Board to speak as a delegation. The guidelines for making a delegation can be found in the Board and Committees Governance bylaw.

Important Information for Delegations

  • Delegations wishing to address the Board regarding an item that is not listed on the agenda must submit their request at least seven business days prior to the meeting date. The subject matter must also fall within the jurisdiction of the Board. 
  • Delegations wishing to address the Board regarding an item that is listed on the agenda must submit their request no later than noon on the business day proceeding the meeting.
  • Once the delegation request is received, and provided the applicable requirements are met, the delegation will be listed on the next appropriate agenda.
  • Delegations will be limited to ten minutes and will only address the stated business for which they received approval.
  • Delegations speaking on behalf of any organization or group may be made by more than a single representative, but the entire submission on behalf of an organization or group will be limited to ten minutes. If a person is speaking both on his or her own behalf and as a representative of an organization or group, the entire submission will be limited to ten minutes.
  • The Chair may curtail any delegation for improper conduct or any other breach of the Procedure By-law.
  • Delegations will be livestreamed/videotaped as part of the regular Board meeting.

Submit a Request to Delegate

For more information, please contact:

Meghan Martin
Executive Assistant
Waterloo Regional Police Services Board
519-570-9777 ext. 8853

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