Access to Information FAQ

How do I make an FOI request?


Mail the Access Request form and $5.00 application fee to:

Access to Information Unit
Waterloo Regional Police Service
P.O. Box 3070
200 Maple Grove Road
Cambridge, ON N3H 5M1

Sending information to us over the Internet is neither secure nor verifiable, as your request may contain personal and sensitive information.

If you have any questions regarding making a request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, you may contact this office at (519) 570-9777 ext. 8514 or by email at

What are the hours for Access to Information? 

Hours of operation are Monday - Friday, 08:00am - 4:00 pm, by appointment only.  The office is closed on statutory holidays.  Contact Access to Information at (519) 570-9777 ext. 8514 or

How much does it cost? 

There is an initial $5.00 application fee and there may be additional fees upon completion, an example of which is 0.20 per page for photocopying.

How long does a request take?

The legislated timeline is 30 - 60 days

What do I do if I need the report sooner than that? 

You can indicate the date the report is required when the request is submitted, however we cannot guarantee the records will be ready in advance of the legislated timeline.

Do I have access to the full report? 

This depends on what is being requested and whether or not anyone else is involved in the incident.  The personal information of other individuals will be redacted (blacked out) unless consent from those individuals is provided.  Requests are processed in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

What kind of payment do you accept?

By mail, you may pay by money order or certified cheque.

Can my lawyer get the report for me? 

Yes, your lawyer may act as your personal agent and apply for access, however, the same access rules apply whether it is you or your lawyer who is making the application.

 What information am I entitled to as a landlord?

 As a landlord, you have access to information about the property.  For example, you would be entitled to the portions of a report describing the damage to a unit.  If you are seeking copies of reports involving your tenants where no property damage was noted by police, consent is required. 

How can I correct information held about me?

After you have made a request and received your information, you have the right to request:

a. correction of personal information;
b. a statement of disagreement be attached to the record;
c. notification of correction or disagreement be sent to those to whom his/her personal information was disclosed within the previous year.

You must complete an Access/Correction request form and submit a $5.00 application fee.

Once a decision has been made, you will be notified in writing.


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